I was about to process and upload the Christmas photos when I realized that I hadn't gone through any of our photos for quite a while. So here's a little catchup!
Gretje wanted to be Princess Bubblegum for Halloween, a character from the show Adventure Time.
We took a look at some stuff on ebay together, and found a very cheap pair of pink boots and a dress that Gretje said she would be happy to wear on other days besides Halloween.
For the crown, I took a $1 plastic tiara from Target and added some more structure to it by hot gluing on a popsicle stick. Then, I took one of the soft, metallic arm cuffs from a Wonder Woman costume Gretje has outgrown and cut out the desired tiara shape. I glued that onto the tiara and voila!
We made her hair pink with a temporary powder dye, which just sort of clings to your hair like baby powder. I picked up a lavender hoodie at the thrift shop and painted on the pink stripe with puffy paint.
We had fun at the school Hoot'nHowl, where the kids played crazy games.
Unfortunately, that night, Gretje came down with a stomach virus and barfed. The next day, she got a teensy fever, which meant she couldn't go trick or treating. Bummer! Nonetheless, she was in good spirits (even though she was a little sleepy from being sick). She decided she still wanted to put on her costume while we watched the movie Hocus Pocus and passed out candy.
Matt wore this Grod mask (the evil genius gorilla who battles superman), with a hinged jaw. I dressed up as another character from Gretje's show, a foul tempered blob named Lumpy Space Princess.
Poor baby got worn out after not too long, but she ended up happily mowing on popcorn and watching the movie.
For a slightly off Halloween, it was still pretty special.
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