This stump was the mast of our ship.
The gazebo was the main deck, but Gretch would run back over to the stump every time she felt we needed to turn the ship. Which was often.
Tossed about by rough waters! We almost got sea sick!
I think I'm supposed to be hopping like a frog in these pictures, but I don't remember why.
Then we ran into our old friends the geese! This gaggle of distinctly non-Canada geese used to live around the apartment complex I lived in a few years ago. Gretje LOVED me shouting totally inane conversation to the geese, saying things like "Oh hey, Morty! What's new? You ever finish that deck you were adding to your house?" and "Barb! It's been a while! You still play bridge?" She kept asking me to come up with new goose names and new questions to ask them.
Gretje's self portrait.
I like how Gretje and her dad's silly faces all match up in this little sequence of pictures. I think they might have been making animal noises? Such a fun, full day, it's hard to remember.

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