Thursday, October 24, 2013

DJ Gbear

During the ride home yesterday, Gretje was singing a song she had made up, which was in the style of a techno dance tune. The lyrics were: "Dunk the donut. Dunk the donut. Now do the bearwalk. Do the bearwalk. Now jump around. Do the jump around."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aerospace Engineering

Aunt Margaret is an expert at making paper planes. Much to Gretje's delight, she's been getting generous lessons in making them.

Margaret opted to decorate her paper plane with flames and the face of a dragon. Gretje's mind was kind of blown because she hadn't considered the idea of drawing anything other than flowers and stuff on there. Fascinated, she asked Margaret why she did this, and Margaret paused for a moment, looking for a more child-appropriate word than "badass" to describe the idea. "Well," she said, "because this plane is really strong and tough, like a dragon!" Gretje proceeded to draw both hearts AND flames on her plane.